Rod Humble shared a few tidbits on the official blog, prompting me to reply with some thoughts of my own little did we know then just how close changes were – or how radical.
Away from SL The Blu was launched as a Beta, and I dived in while InWorldz hosted a major homes and residences exhibition.After a light-hearted round of bantering on Twitter involving a number of people, I became an early recipient of Rodvik’s Pwnie.
We saw a lot of people get their pants in a paddy over region losses in SL. There was a fascinating presentation from the US Army on their use of OpenSim for non-military research. LL caused upset and consternation with not one, but two code breakages in the month, as well as upsetting merchants – all through potentially avoidable errors. #Phoenix viewer full#
September saw quite a build-up for BURN2, with announcements on the invited artists, land rushes & the main schedule while I managed to preview the sims at the end of the month at the same time, LEA announced their participants in the Full Sim Art Series. There was sad news from Kirsten’s Viewer, followed by a ray of hope and positive feedback from the team. A new V3-based Viewer arrived in the form of Exodus, which also incorporated combat functionality.